The US Navy stages a full-scale amphibious demonstation at Chesapeake Bay (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The United States Navy’s demonstates amphibious techniques Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: New Amphibious Tactics Staged by US Navy USA: Chesapeake Bay: EXT AMERICAN NAVAL New amphibious tactic staged by U.S. Navy. Underwater demolition teams - frogman - Rocket ships and LCTs etc all held in Chesapeake Bay EXPLOSIONS Good explosions as of beach installations going up caused by frogmen having swum and placed charges Frog Men. Good shots of American frog-men in action in Amphibious tactics staged by U.S. Navy. Swimming to beaches and lay charges under the defences - patrol craft pick them up ROCKETS Rocket ships in action giving cover to Infantry landings in U.S. Navy’s full-scale amphibious operation in Chesapeak Bay Navy - Active; Vehicles; United States of America peacetime, postwar, c
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