The PCR was Fraud

The PCR was Fraud The Mandates and Restrictions were all Unscientific, Illegal violations of The Geneva CONVENTION ON WAR CRIMES. THEY mandated a Bioweapon knowing the reactions it would cause. They infiltrated ALL Opposition groups to ensure there was No organized Valid Opposition to their Tyranny; They paid the media to Lie Bought OFF all the First Responders and Fired all those who wouldn’t COMPLY. They called you racist, hateful, misogynistic; NAZIS while at the same TIME funding, training and Arming Nazis In the Ukraine; They Collaborated with All Gov. Alphabet Agencies with the Goal of Western DEMOCIDE through Sudden Death Cause By Climate Change, gardening or no Glory Hope access; or Via Turbo Cancer ensuring they make a shekel or Two off Your suffering. They told you to stay home, while They traveled, vacationed, rented out ENTIRE ICE SKATING RINKS FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR friends; They froze bank Accounts over 5$ while SPENDING billions of our Money fucking us all over.... Source: RealCanadianPatriots
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