Thermal Mass energized by Direct Energy Part Three

This is Part Three of a short series of videos showing the progression of the masonry being installed in the form of thermal mass for a direct energy application. Direct Energy requires nothing but a raw source and will invariably last beyond our lifetimes. If you need to contact the creator of this video, information is at the end of the video. **At the time of this published video, the void shown within the videos has been rocked solid, the second element has been placed with rock and mortar, and all that remains for the completion of the second placement is to heap up the rock and masonry to obtain the long-lasting thermal energy. The elements have been placed with common stranded wire but in retrospect if I had the materials on hand it surely would have been worthwhile to install these with my first plan (which was to use solid copper rod instead of wire). The positive and negative leads to the element have been adequately separated with rock and mortar to ensure that if (or when) the plastic jacket should become compromised closest to the element, that the loss will be no big deal (masonry is not flamable and makes a better jacket anyway).
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