My very first somewhat useless invention. (ORIGINAL)
Are you really Russian? No. The accent is fake. I am of Eastern European descent, first generation born in the United States. My family is from Poland.
Do you still have the invention? No, I don’t know what happened to it, probably thrown out. It can easily be made again at any time.
Can you make a tutorial? I already did, it’s in my video feed.
Can you pin my comment? Yes, if you say something that makes me laugh, I will pin your comment. Simply asking won’t get it pinned.
Have you hearted all the comments? No.
Why are you still hearting comments? Because I want to and because I can. That’s the best answer I can give for those who can’t figure it out on their own.
Can you heart my comment? I can. But I probably won’t.
This video was a decade ago, I post very different content now than I did a decade ago. So if you’re subscribing thinking it will just be more of this, you will be sorely disappointed.
( Original Description) Too bad Billy Mays isn’t around to pitch it for me. If you want one for yourself, check my other videos, I have a tutorial on how to make. It’s very easy, simple, low tech stuff. It’s so easy even an average voter can do it. I may do a new tutorial for it, if there is a demand.
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