Jaypee - 2020年04月03日,星期五 Friday, April 03, 2020_141602

這是恐怖國家的宵禁隔離區在4月12日復活節結束前的第12天,而更加糟糕和無聊的禁運到4月14日(星期三)為止! - Zhè shì kǒngbù guójiā de xiāojìn gélí qū zài 4 yuè 12 rì fùhuó jié jiéshù qián de dì 12 tiān, ér gèngjiā zāogāo hé wúliáo de jìn yùn dào 4 yuè 14 rì (xīngqísān) wéizhǐ! - This is a 12th day just before the end of a Terrifying Country’s Curfew Quarantine on 復活節, April 12th, And the worsted ever stupid and boring lockdown until Wednesday, april 14th!
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