Adam Savage Lockpicks Open This Tachograph!

Adam opens up an analog tachograph data logger that he’s had in the cave--an artifact left over from an episode of Mythbusters! While he’s always appreciated the industrial look of the device, it’s only recently that he became aware of how it worked and the fascinating mechanics within. And to get it open requires a bit of lockpicking! Shot by Adam Savage and edited by Norman Chan Music by Jinglepunks Join this channel to support Tested and get access to perks: Tested Ts, stickers, mugs and more: Subscribe for more videos (and click the bell for notifications): Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Discord: Amazon Storefront: Savage Industries T-shirts: #/shop Tested is: Adam Savage Norman Chan Joey Fameli Ryan Kiser Josh Self Kristen Lomasney Jen Schachter Kishore Hari Sean Charlesworth Kayte Sabicer Bill Doran Ariel Waldman Darrell Maloney Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman Thanks for watching!
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