Eelke Kleijn - Regenerator (Official Visualizer)

Discover ’Eelke Kleijn - Regenerator’ on your favorite streaming platform ▶ Subscribe to the Armada Music YouTube channel: Click the 🔔 to stay updated with our new uploads! Following a huge 2023 that saw ’Transmission’ become certified gold, Eelke Kleijn delivers his first original release of 2024: an up-tempo EP featuring two tracks created for high-energy moments on the dance floor. While ’Lately’ unmistakably taps into Balearic trance, the rolling, hypnotic rhythm of ’Regenerator’ serves to breathe new life into the crowd during Eelke’s signature extended sets. Connect with Armada Music ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶@armadamusic ▶ #ArmadaMusic #eelkekleijn #regenerator
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