Better Days - The Piano Guys (Lyric Video)

► STREAM on all platforms: ► TPG SHEET MUSIC ► BUY our ALBUM “10“ here: ► Get ALL our ALBUMS here: ► Learn about our beliefs here: [Al van der Beek here] This song came to me as an answer to a prayer. A few months ago my family and I were going through some very emotional trials and even though I knew they would eventually pass it was difficult for me to see beyond our current circumstances. One morning as I was sitting in the studio feeling the weight of everything that was going on I felt prompted to get on my knees and pray. I didn’t want to pray, but the feeling that I should pray was very insistent. After several strong impressions, that I tried my best to ignore, the following quote came to mind: “If you don’t feel like praying, pray until you do!”. I definitely
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