More than 2.5 thousand explosive objects found in the suburbs of the city of Mariupol were destroyed in three months by sappers

More than 2.5 thousand explosive objects found in the suburbs of the city of Mariupol were destroyed in three months by sappers of the combined demining squad of the engineering troops of the Russian Armed Forces Sappers of the combined demining squad of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to clear the suburbs of Mariupol from explosive objects. Military engineers search, collect and destroy mines, shells, and grenades left after the fighting during the liberation of the city. Found ammunition is removed and detonated at a special site. In this case, ammunition that has already been fired but has not exploded poses a particular danger to specialists. The shells that come out of the barrel are armed and can detonate at the slightest impact. Sappers have to destroy such finds on the spot, ensuring the safety of the surrounding infrastructure and civilian population. Ammunition is detonated using a fire cord and TNT blocks. One of the latest dangerous finds of Russian sappers is a mine from a 240 mm Tulip self-propelled mortar. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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