The Israel Lobby and the Growing Movement for a New US Policy Toward Palestine-Israel

Sign up for our email list: ​​​​​ Donate to Mass Peace Action Today: ​​​​​ Philip Weiss is the founder and a frequent contributor to the website Mondoweiss, which has become a go-to source worldwide for news, analysis and opinion about the Middle East and especially the struggle for justice in Palestine-Israel. With Palestinians facing Israeli violence in Occupied Jerusalem and under Israeli bombing in Gaza, progressives are pushing for a new US policy that upholds Palestinian rights rather than continue a one-sided tilt toward Israel. Understanding the political terrain in the US and the still massive influence of Israel Lobby organizations and funding – which underpins US funding for the Israeli military to the tune of almost $4 billion a year and provides diplomatic cover for Israeli occupation — are crucial for achieving the change we need. Phil and MAPA Board member Je
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