Pathe News Reviews 1954 - A Year Of Endeavour (1954)

Review of the year 1954. GV. Royal yacht under Tower Bridge. SCU. Pan, Queen Elizabeth II with family on bridge waving. Queen and Duke of Edinburgh are returning from their Commonwealth tour. GV. Thames from Westminster pier. SV. Sir Winston Churchill, the Conservative Prime Minister, arriving at pier. SV. Queen stepping ashore. SV. Queen greeting members of Royal family. GV. Crowd in front of Buckingham Palace and up Mall. SCU. People waving through railings. SV. Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and two children waving from balcony. GTV. Massed crowds waving. SV. Royal family on balcony. Prince Charles peers over edge. CU. Billy Graham, American evangelist, and wife. GV. Interior, packed Harringay Arena. CU. Billy Graham speaking (natural sound). SV. Observers looking through glasses. CU. Second hand on dial moving to zero. Zoom into H-bomb explosion - first ever. STV. Observers on aircraft carrier. LV. Shock wave towards ship. CU. Sir William Penney. GV. Atomic research station in Engl
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