The Loon (Argus) pulse jet demonstrated at the Planes of Fame Air Museum

Planes of Fame operates an original WWII JB2 “Loon“ Pulse Jet engine. The “Loon“ engine was built for the U.S. version of the German V-1 Buzz Bomb. The “Loon“ engine is a virtual copy of the original German V-1 Buzz Bomb “Argus“ Pulse Jet Engine. Beginning on June 13, 1944, and continuing for nearly nine months, Britains primary population centers were bombarded by Hitlers Vergeltungswaffe, or vengeance weapon, better known colloquially to the Allies as the V-1 Buzz Bomb. It took American scientists just 4 months to reverse-engineer a captured German V-1 before they test flew the first JB2 Loon. On the first Saturday of every month Planes of Fame Air Museum, a , hosts a Living History Flying Day in an ongoing effort to educate and inspire current and future generations. For more information visit us at;
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