Junior Campbell - Baby Hold On 1976 from Best Of .. Back Then

Included on the ’Best Of .... Back Then“ compilation, way back in the days of “soft rock harmonies“!! me and me mate ’Arry Hawkes ( Chip from the Trems) wrote this, which was my 1st release on Elton John’s Rocket Records in 1976. By the time it was mixed and complete, ’Arry was living in Nashville, so I got on a plane, knocked on his door, and played him the finished product. He liked it - I liked it - Elton liked it - but it stiffed. Raymie Duffy, original Marms drummer is also in the film, which was filmed at the Roundhouse in London on a very cheap budget -- all “back light and barnet“ - duff quality copy -- but we have it. The actual released recording features Pete Zorn (bass), Raymie, Mart Jenner (pedal steel) and me, piano and geetar. I’ve dubbed better quality audio but as I have no time code to sync to the sync runs out - eventually!!
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