New Tb Drug (1952)

New York & Nutley New Jersey, United States of America (USA). GV. Sea View Hospital in New York where the new TB drug is tested on patients. SV. Woman knitting in bed. CU. Bottle of tablets, man patient laying on bed. Another patient talking to him, he is holding the bottle with tablets. CU. One of the patients, Margaret Kovics talking - natural sound. She says: “Having been in hospital for 15 months, in bed for one year without walking I was losing so much weight. I hated to go to the scale to weigh myself because I was getting so thin. So finally they put me on drug and in six months time I was up and walking again and I gained 40 pounds and now I am wonderful and happy.“ GV. Hoffman-Laroche Laboratories, Nutley, New Jersey. SV. Dr H. H. Fox, leading developer of the new drug, demonstrating preparation of the new drug. CU. Mixture being transferred from one beaker to another. SV. Dr Fox mixing drug. (Comb. F.G.) Date found in the old record - 01/03/1952. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PAT
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