Как сделать варган

Yesterday my old friend, whom I had not seen for 5 or 6 years, came to visit me. We were drinking tea with cakes, and then he saw a jew’s harp on the table. He had never seen them before. I told him what it was, showed him how to play it. When he asked how much such a jew’s harp cost, I answered - 50 euros. 50 euros ?! - Yes, I will do exactly the same in one evening! - You won’t! Bet you don’t? We go to the workshop and if you can do it, I will give you a jew’s harp, which you will make and 2 more that you want. He refused to go to the workshop 😅 And I decided to shoot a short video about how I make them, so that people would understand why I was taking money 🙂 ========================================= Вчера ко мне зашел в гости мой старый друг, которого я не видел лет 5 или 6. Мы пили чай с пирожными, и тут он увидел на столе варган. Он никогда раньше их не видел. Я ему рассказал, что это, показал, как на нем играют. Когда он спросил, сколько такой варган ст
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