insaneintherainmusic - Insane In The Rain (Insane In The Rain)

Purchase Insane In The Rain Digital Download / CD / Vinyl: “Insane In The Rain“ Sheet Music: Ah yes, the song titled “Insane in the Rain” from the album “Insane In The Rain” by insaneintherainmusic… definitely not confusing, huh? Jokes aside, I knew pretty early in the process of writing the music for this album that I wanted to write a self-titled track. It wouldn’t have felt right to write a track called “Carlos Eiene’’ since that just feels a little… self-centered and weird, but writing a track about the username I’ve used for many years feels good. It felt like a good way to reflect on what “insaneintherain” has meant to me, and how it’s changed since I first came up with the username. I reflected on what “insaneintherain” has meant to me over the years over the process of making this album. Obviously, creating this YouTube channel has changed my life dramati
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