African military fights increasing Italian forces in Abyssinia (1935)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Troops in Abyssinia train and fight invading Italian forces Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: War Zone Special - Theatre of War! Latest Dispatches from East Africa AFRICA: Abyssinia: EXT ABYSSINIA Abyssinian Boy speaks re War. New Jail opened by Emperor Troops Abyssinian Lorries. also Italian Troops, guns planes etc from Hearst. End of Feast of Maskal. Emp receives Diplomatic Corps. Empress does Hospital Work BONO, General de Inauguration of New Rd at Massawa, Asmara HAILE SELASSIE, Emperor of Anyssinia Opens new Jail, receives Diplomatic Corps Emperess does Hospital work ITALY. MILITARY. Advance in Abyssinia, new Rds, Tanks & troops. MENEN, Empress of Abyssinia Does Hospital Work for Abyssinian-Italy War. 6693, MUSSOLINI Vignette re Abyssinian War Abyssinian - Italian Conflict; Italy; Military - Ac
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