Im just silently praying. I am not protesting a pro-life volunteer was again confronted by the police for her silent prayer

‘I’m just silently praying. I am not protesting’ – a pro-life volunteer was again confronted by the police for her silent prayer in front of an abortion clinic in the UK. The previous time Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested; this time she was given a fixed penalty notice and accused of anti-social behavior. The officer in the video appeals to the ’access zone’, a perimeter around the abortion centre, where it’s prohibited to demonstrate against abortions. Do the officers have the right to prevent Isabel from praying there? Abortion is a burning issue in many countries, especially in the USA. In our documentary, ‘Abort Me Not’, we show both sides of this controversial topic. Watch the film to find out more! #UK FOLLOW News&Docfilms Channel Источник: RT Documentary
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