David Wilcock LIVE: The Prophecy of Global Ascension

David discusses the most fascinating prophecy of all -- the idea that everyone on Earth will soon be experiencing a very real form of Ascension, without catastrophic Earth Changes. The Fatima Prophecies of 1917 may have predicted a much greater, worldwide event that we will see on or before Memorial Day 2025 -- a true mass contact experience. This is the most controversial and exciting revelation to come out of The Michael Prophecies, a series of seven books David received intuitively in the 1990s -- and which now have shocking prophetic relevance for today. Our Galactic Logos is programmed to create Hero’s Journey storylines. They are written into the cycles of history themselves. David will discuss this in the show. We are now clearly at a Global Dark Night of the Soul. This also immediately leads into the breakthrough stage that results in the hero achieving the goals of his or her Quest. Once you see the “Big Picture“ and hear what Michael has in store f
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