Anton LaVey - Hello Central,give me no man’s land

music Contact info satanicinternationalnetwork@ I have been making vids on YouTube since 2008. I have 1600 videos, 18 million views, 60k subscribers and the most viewed trip report in history ( 30 hits of Acid/LSD ) with 7ml views alone. YouTube has never paid me a dime. I am banned from monetizing videos, had my channels terminated three times and shadow banned in 2018. My videos do not get promoted or circulated unless subscribed. So, if you enjoy watching my stuff and would like to see more or have a video suggestion please comment and say so. Should you wish to buy me a beer for over a decade of hard work and 15OO videos I will not turn it down :) Here is papal link Should you find yourself in So-Cal and wish to have a beer with me my treat hit me up . email is satanicinternatiopnalnetwork@ My other youtube channel with over a thousand videos is here Thanks for watching. Cheers . Take care.
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