Choose the correct gender in Spanish: el & la - ALL you need to know about articles in Spanish

Spanish nouns have gender. Spanish nouns are masculine or feminine. This means you either have to put “el“ or “la“ before the noun. In Spanish, these articles are called DEFINITE ARTICLES. Definite articles in Spanish take two singular forms, “el“ & “la“, and two plural forms, “los“ & “las“. A horse is “el caballo”. A cow is “la vaca” or “una vaca”. But how do you know what the correct article is when it comes to every single noun? What does it mean to be a definite article? When do we use them, and how? In this video, most definitively, have all your questions about definite articles answered. At first sight it seems that all articles that end with “a“ are feminine, and all articles that end with “o“ are masculine. But weather, climate -- “clima“ -- ends with “a“ and yet it is not feminine, it takes actually a masculine article, “el clima“. Just like “clima“ there are many other nou
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