Azam Ali - Song to the Siren (This Mortal Coil Cover)

While some choose to beat the drums of war, I can only do what I am meant to do in this life, create beatific visions of a world I wish to live in. On Friday night I was trying to work in my studio but could not concentrate so I decided to just sing. I don’t do many cover songs but Tim Buckley’s “Song to the Siren“ is perhaps one of the most beautiful songs ever written lyrically & Elizabeth Fraser’s melodic interpretation on “This Mortal Coil“ added to it a whole new expanse of solemnity & awe. I taught myself to sing this song when I was 16 so I could become intimate with the song & Liz’s voice, & on Friday night when I had nothing to give, I reached for this intimacy & tenderness. I sang it in 2 takes, added some minimal soundscapes & now offer it to all of you with hopes that it will bring warmth to your hearts during these dark times. Keep reaching for beauty ❣️ 🌹 SONG TO THE SIREN 🌹 Long afloat o
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