Silent Hill 1 - the pyramid head skins anna HD

badass movie quotes - sometimes funny - sometimes dirty - sometimes violent - sometimes creepy - rarely epic Silent Hill is a 2006 Canadian-French horror film by French director Christophe Gans, based on the Konami video game of the same name. 165 film sets and locations were used for the filming. Producers and director have confirmed in interviews that this is a film for “real“ Silent Hill fans and they don’t want to disappoint them. Therefore, the camera movements and optical design effects, such as rusty and bloody walls, as well as the parallel world were completely taken from the games to create a real-looking Silent Hill reality. The famous nurse from the first part has also been remembered. Lisa Garland is embodied by one of the dancers, who also plays one of the Bubble Head Nurses. The director emphasized in an interview that he would have liked to expand her role. However, this was not possible, as it would have made the film too long. In addition, many creatures kn
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