Why “OBS software virtual camera & Mac Book Pro M1“ are not connecting Live Steaming planforms?

Why “OBS software virtual camera & Mac Book Pro M1“ are not connecting Live Steaming Issues with OBS vestural camera on working with zoom. help needed or advice . to figure out what to do with next with OBS software and my Apple Mac Book Pro Computer and laptop computer with a M1 not connenneting to zoom or other social media platforms. Chicago ? ( AUSA, RUSSIA & CHINA ) share/like & comment one video. My “Mac book Pro computer M1 Chip“ will not connect to my vertebral camera of the ( OBS Studio Software) “OBS live streaming software“ or work “Zoom’s telaconfering software“. Come on ’OBS Studio Software supporter and developers ’ the OBS Software should work wear I am using a Apple computer with the M1 chip or a Windows11 PC computer .Help is needed about the OBS Studio Software and its latest version and updates for Mac computers too do not forget us Call with advice anything cal
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