【うなせせ】聖ボーダーニーハイ学園へようこそ☆【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38374773

Knee high! Knee high! 24th time! !! My name is Unagi and Seseri, and I’m dancing with my real sisters (・ x ・) (・ 8 ・) This time! !! !! I danced this energetic and bright song (* ´∇ ` *) I hope you can smile even a little by watching this video! And I have entered the 2021 copy section of this video, which I tried to dance! !! I would like to ask for your help in order to make it possible for her to participate in the official event of Nico Nico Douga, which is a dream of humor (´ ; ω ; `). We look forward to your support in comments, myris, likes ˙꒳ ˙) ◯楽曲本家様 sm12892917 ◯振り付け本家様 sm28849723 ◯撮影/編集 せせり ◯踊っている人 うなぎ(姉)ピンク ツインテ Twitter⇒ マイリス⇒ せせり(妹)水色 ボブ Twitter⇒ マイリス⇒ うなぎ 03/06/2021 13:00 Views 600
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