Natural Born Killers - Special Things

several noteworthy events and aspects occurred during the making of “Natural Born Killers.“ Here are a few highlights: 1. Collaboration Between Quentin Tarantino and Oliver Stone: Quentin Tarantino, who wrote the original script, collaborated with director Oliver Stone during the development process. They worked together to shape the story and adapt it to Stone’s vision, resulting in significant changes to the script and the overall tone of the film. 2. Visual and Stylistic Experimentation: The film’s production involved innovative and experimental techniques to achieve its unique visual style. Director of Photography Robert Richardson employed various camera techniques, including the use of different film stocks, lenses, and color grading, to create distinct looks for different scenes and emphasize the film’s thematic elements. 3. Controversial Reception and Ratings Battles: “Natural Born Killers“ courted controversy upon its release due to its graphic vio
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