Deep Purple Tribal @ Nord Nomads Onlineparty - No 8/ FCBD® ATS® with Sword
We feel so honoured to be part of the eighth edition of the nord nomads onlineparty. For this time we developed a very special choreographie which is heavily insipred by Belladonna Bohemes Boho Blade Format, Irina and her Almeris Sword Dialect and our own creations on top of the solid foundation of Melody Bustillos FCBD Dialekt for Swords.
For more Informations about Classes, upcoming events and booking please follow us on social media or check our homepage
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2 weeks ago 00:06:34 1
Burn (Deep Purple); drum cover by Sina
2 months ago 00:00:30 1
Don Airey’s pushing it to the edge with this one… #DeepPurple #EqualsOne #DeepPurpleEqualsOne