Tor-M1 air defence system in action

Tor-M1 air defence system in action Watch the combat work of crews of the Tor-M1 air defence system of the Central Military District in the Krasny Liman direction. During the special military operation, crews of the anti-aircraft missile systems of the Centre group continue to provide the troops with a reliable shield from attacks by enemy air targets around the clock. Military personnel from the crew of the Tor-M1 anti-aircraft missile system, during combat work to cover the actions of the group’s motorized rifle units over the past few months, have destroyed more than 200 enemy unmanned aerial vehicles in their direction. In combat work, the crew of the complex uses radar equipment, which makes it possible to easily detect and destroy in the air small-sized reconnaissance and reconnaissance-strike drones of the enemy that are attempting to carry out attacks. The accuracy of combat use allows one ammunition to destroy up to eight air targets, after which the complex is removed from combat duty and departs for reloading in the ammunition replenishment area. From the first day of a special military operation, the air defense units of the Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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