Green Week International Academy _ Italy 2023

3х дневная поездка - посещение 9 экологичных предприятий в Северной Италии Посетили: Amorim Cork Italia (устойчивое производство пробки) Cielo e Terra Vini (производство вина) FITT Group (производство шлангов) IRSAP (стальные радиаторы) Dal Maso Group (побочные продукты кожевенного производства) Conceria Montebello (кожевенный завод) Viacqua-Risorgive del Bacchiglione (водоснабжение) Medio Chiampo (управление промышленными водами) Fomet (удобрения) - - - - - ENG: We are as students took part in the 3-day Green Week International Academy Fellowship program, which aims to explore the topic of sustainability and ecological transition and is designed to offer students a unique opportunity to conduct case studies directly in companies that are Benefit Corporations. In total, 25 students from different countries were selected to participate. As part of this program, we visited 9 companies from the North-Eastern Italy that are engaged in sustainability and had an opportunity to interact with industry professionals and managers.
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