Helicopter And Jet Record Attempt (1948)

Unissued / Unused material. Helicopter and jet aeroplane set up record postal delivery of 49 minutes from London to Paris. M/S helicopter at St Paul’s Cathedral. L/S top of St. Paul’s, pan to fireman in courtyard below. Various shots firemen operating hose on ground. C/U two small boys looking up, pan to men and women looking up. C/U man with monocle. C/U woman with camera. Various shots of a Bristol type 171 helicopter coming in to land. M/S dome of St. Paul’s pan to helicopter landing. M/S helicopter landing beside St. Paul’s. M/S three men walking up to the cabin of the helicopter and shaking hands with pilot, they give him the letter from the Lord Mayor. C/U helicopter’s propellor, pan to pilot with three officials. M/S officials talking to pilot. M/S helicopter standing by to take off. M/S as it takes off. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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