Dartmouth arrests nonviolent student protestors calling for Palestinian liberation

For the past month, student activists on campuses across the country have been organizing rallies against Israeli apartheid and vigils for the thousands of Palestinians who have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip. Activists at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, for instance, organized a sustained vigil outside Dartmouth’s administration building on campus, Parkhurst Hall. Days into the continuous vigil, student organizers released “The Dartmouth New Deal,” a document that outlined a progressive vision for the college and included explicit demands that Dartmouth divest itself from the military-industrial complex that enables Israeli apartheid. Hours after the document was released, around 1:00 AM on Oct. 28, Dartmouth called Hanover police to arrest two student organizers in a tent outside of Parkhurst Hall for trespassing. TRNN reporter Mel Buer spoke with the two Dartmouth students who were arrested, Kevin Engel and Roan Wade. Kevin Engel is a freshman at Dartmouth College and a student activist involved in the campus chapter of Sunrise Movement, as well as a member of Palestinian Solidarity Coalition (PSC) at Dartmouth. Roan Wade is a junior at Dartmouth, a member of Sunrise Dartmouth, PSC, and a Student Workers’ Collective undergraduate union organizer. Post-Production: Dave Hebden The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to Bangladesh by subscribing and becoming a member today! Donate: Sign up for our newsletter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:
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