Halloween (Beginner)

CULTURE CREW Halloween Meet the crew! Romie: Hi, I’m Romy and I’m 12. Darcy: Hi, I’m Darcy and I’m 12. Abby: Hi, I’m Abby and I’m 13. All: …and we’re the Culture Crew! Halloween Costumes Abby: This is my costume. I’m a witch. I’ve got a black hat, a spider and ten fingers … eurgh! Romie: I’m Romie and I have a bat mask and a bat jacket and two bat ears. Darcy: This is my costume. I’m a monster. Rargh! What’s in Abby’s hand? Halloween Games Abby: This is apple bobbing. There are one … two … three … four … five … six … seven … eight apples. Darcy: You get an apple with your teeth but no hands. Romie: Go on. Darcy: It’s really hard. Go on. Romie: Yay! I’m all wet though. Your go! Abby: Yay! How many apples do they take from the water?
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