Remove Negative Energy From Home | Clear Negative Energy In And Around You | Banish Evil Spirits

“It is a digital sage. Just play on low volume and banish all the negative energy or evil spirits in and around you, home or any place. People that you contact, meet or to host drops their negative energy on you and your home. I created this digital potion to banish all the negative energies on you or your place. Sound frequencies spreads through the air, so you can play on low volume or in another room with an open door if the sounds in the music disturbs you.“ • Contains Binaural Beats, Solfeggio Frequencies and Isochronic Tones. • You can buy this digital potion or my whole “Digital Alchemy“ album on my website. • My Digital Alchemy album: • • Patreon : • Web Site: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Art Store: • Spotify: .
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