Travelling the Martial World - South Western Guangdong (Village) Hung Kuen

For more information about Hung Kuen visit us: Often known as Yuexi Hung Kuen or Village Hung Kuen, Zhanjiang (Tsamgong) Hung Kuen, Maoming Hung Kuen and 10 Pattern Hung Kuen. In ancient times Guandong was departmentalised into Xia Si Fu (下四府, c. Ha Say Fu, Lower Four Districts/Prefectures) and Shang Liu Fu (上六 府 c. Lok Seong Fu, Upper Six districts/Prefectures). The upper districts consisted of Guangzhou (广州府), Huizhou (惠州府), Chaozhou (潮州府), Jiaying (嘉应州), Shaozhou (韶州府) and Zhaoqing (肇庆府). The lower districts or Xia Si Fu refer to Gaozhou (高州府), Leizhou (雷州府), Qinzhou (钦州府) and Qiongzhou (琼州府) . Those two (Gaozhou and Leizhou) refer to the modern areas of Zhanjiang (湛江) and Maoming (茂名)
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