Learn how to say the letters and sounds in Spanish

Spanish for Beginners - I will teach you every single letter and sound in the Spanish alphabet. From the A to the Z in Spanish. You will learn how to pronounce Spanish letters. With this lesson you will never say the H because the the H is silent in Spanish. You will never confuse the L with the double LL, and the best part is that this lesson will make you speak as if you were a mariachi, and you’ll start singing serenatas to your girlfriend or boyfriend. So let’s start learning Spanish now and whisper into someone’s ear the letters and sounds in Spanish. If you would like to help me financially so I can prepare more lessons, you can donate at: Or through PayPal: Muchas gracias por donar a mi canal. Te lo agradezco de todo corazón. Saludos, Ana. Check out my new website and SUBSCRIBE TO MY FREE SPANISH LEARNING NEWSLETTER at: Are you starting to learn
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