Alien Bodies Confirmed After Testing to be NON Human

During a congressional hearing held by the Mexican national government intended to officially discuss UFOs for the first time, an enigmatic figure named Jaime Maussan appeared and shocked the world when he unveiled two small, alien-like corpses, which he claimed were not of this world. As if the hysteria this caused wasn’t enough, days later, additional evidence emerged which blew skeptics away, and went further than experts ever imagined possible. So, what are these mysterious corpses, what does the evidence actually show, and is it really possible that this is the moment long waited for, definitive proof of extraterrestrial life? Keep watching, and we’ll break it all down … Join us in fueling our mission to create insightful videos backed by thorough research by supporting us on Patreon or PayPal: Your support can help us dive even deeper into topics that matter, enabling us to produce en
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