Twin Flame Deep Quantum Healing & Integration Activation
Welcome to this Divine Transmission that has come through to assist Twin Flames to go even deeper into their multidimensional selves & release the obstructions standing in the way of Divine Union on all levels. I was guided to create this now to go out during these intense transitions to assist any that have been currently stuck in any looping cycles or feeling the weight of the world during this process.
This Transmission will go in very deep to bring up the unconscious issues that are needing to be released. It clears the separation wound from God as well as your Twin Flame. This removes hidden curses & energy implants from the higher & lower levels that block the union process. It will remind you that it’s important not to get caught up in the 3D illusion & only that level of the connection as it is so much more than this.
This also helps with deep forgiveness via the ho’oponopono prayer, which is truly needed with Twin Flames in order to come together fully. There are