Trying to survive: a grandmother and homeless girls displaced in the mountains

Seeking shelter: Homeless grandmothers and girls, displaced in the mountains, prioritize finding a safe place to shelter from the harsh conditions. They look for caves, abandoned structures or natural formations suitable for protection from wind, snow and cold temperatures. Generating heat: As the temperature drops, grandmother and daughters gather wood to build a fire. This fire serves many purposes, warmth, warmth for cooking, and a sense of security in the wilderness. Providing emotional support: Grandmothers play an important role in providing emotional support and a sense of stability to homeless girls during their difficult time. He provides them with reassurance, comfort and guidance, helping them stay strong and flexible during their time in the mountains. #Grandmother #Nomads #Daughter 1. #SurvivalInMountains 2. #HarshConditions 3. #FindingShelter 4. #ForagingForFood 5. #KeepingWarm 6. #WaterPurification 7. #MakingTemporaryShelter 8. #SeekingHelp 9. #Emo
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