Command & Conquer-3: Tiberium Wars Adwanced (мод-полумод)

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is a real-time strategy videogame. Developed by Electronic Arts Los Angeles and BreakAway Games studios, it was released on March 24, 2008 in the United States and on March 28, 2008 in Europe by publisher Electronic Arts, and was also released on June 24 for the Xbox 360. The storyline campaign is set between the end of Tiberian Sun and the beginning of Tiberium Wars. It revolves around the seemingly immortal leader of the Brotherhood of Nod, Kane, and recounts his ascent to power after nearly escaping death in the year 2031, ending with Kane`s taking over of Nod by 2047. Download the map: ======================================= 3aбавно получилось то, что я изначально запускал мод TWA172_Rus, но при загрузке игрового действия выяснилось, что запущен как бы оригинал. Мод и оригинальная игра частично смешались, в меню построек присутствуют надписи из мода (указание энергии у энергостанции, требования и возможности других
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