President Nixon Arrives In Belgium AKA Nixon Arrives Belgium (1969)

Unissued / unused material - some dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Brussels, Belgium LS & MS Belgian Guard of Honour drawn up at Brussels Airport at night awaiting arrival of US President Richard Nixon. VS Interior airport lounge as King Baudouin of Belgium introduces Nixon to Mr Brosic (NATO), Mr Rey (CEE), Mr Van Acker (President of the Belgian Senate), Prime Minister Eyskens, members of the Belgian Senate and other officials. LS & MS As Nixon comes down steps of aircraft at Brussels airport, night, to be greeted by King Baudouin. They stand for anthems, (mute). MS As King Baudouin gives short speech of welcome, (mute). MS Nixon giving short speech of greeting, (mute). VS Nixon inspecting Guard of Honour. VS Arc lights at the airport. MS Night, Belgian flag flying from masthead. MS Night, Stars and Stripes flying from masthead. LS Guard of Honour march away. Note: Date on original record: 24/02/1969. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATH
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