15 Minute Pork Adobo - All You Need to Make The Best Adobo
This 15 minute pork adobo is really simply the best. Whoever would’ve thought that something so delicious can be made so quickly and so easily. It is a dish commonly served in the Philippines. All you need to make this incredible adobo some pork, soy sauce, pepper, jalapeños, garlic, onions, and a few other simple ingredients. Believe me, the result is simply heavenly. Due to its simplicity, it makes a great midweek meal or even a quick snack. Don’t forget to serve it up over a bed of steaming hot rice.
For the full printable recipe, visit:
0:00 Introduction
0:06 Frying the pork
0:36 Adding the onion and garlic
0:58 The rest of the ingredients
1:35 Boiling and simmering the dish
2:00 The outcome and serving
3:05 Taste test
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All photographs and video properties are original productions of, created by, and exclusive property of Cook n’ Share. Cook n’ Share is owned and operated by David Hood. I am submitting the on behalf of myself.
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