Near X-Flare: Big Sunspot AR3435 Just Unleashed a Strong Solar Flare - Sept. 20. 2023.

A moderately strong solar flare measuring M8.2 was observed around AR 3435 at 14:19 UTC (Sep 20). A type II radio emission with an estimated velocity of 1054 km/s was associated with this event. NOAA forecasters await fresh data from SOHO coronagraphs for any possible CME. The sunspot has developed a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for X-flares. AR 3435 is almost directly facing Earth, so any possible CME will be geoeffective. R2 (Moderate) Radio Blackout A pulse of X-rays and ultraviolet radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth’s atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over Central and North Africa, South and Central America, East USA, North and South Atlantic. Thanks for watching! #strongflare #radioblackout #CME Images credit: AIA/SDO/HMI, GOES-16 SUVI, NOAA/SWPC Music credit: YouTube Audio Library The Charmer’s Call - Hanu Dixit
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