1950s Southern California Travelogue, Rocky Mountains, Waterfalls, Lakes, Sightseeing, 16mm

1950s Southern California Travelogue, Rocky Mountains, Waterfalls, Lakes, Sightseeing, 16mm from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref KHM141 available in 2K. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more about our various archive collections, visit . Discover our brilliant range of archive footage here: Woman driving car away from home. Rocky Landscape. WS and PAN-D waterfall, lakes, bridges. CU, LA Woman putting on sunglasses. POV driving through open landscape, road signs. Find more archive footage from Rural California here: California, summer, holiday, travelogue, amateur, 1950s fashion, swimming, middle class, upper class, rich people, white people, WASP, family, couple, young people, sightseeing, rural Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agency supplying high quality, rare and inspiring
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