Dead Dog Floating Plus Four Other Short Films by R.L. Crutchfield

Dead Dog Floating and 4 Other Short Films by R.L. Crutchfield. c. 1980. 1. Dead Dog Floating (followed by a dead cat) on the Hudson River in decaying color. 2. Fire In The Ashes (a bookburning torched by Tuxedomoon’s Steven Brown on the old Manhatttan West Side Highway) in searing color. 3. Young Laundry (featuring filmmaker Eric Mitchell; artist Diego Cortez; No Wave musicians Lydia Lunch, Bradley Field, and Gordon Stevenson of Teenage Jesus & The Jerks) at various NYC notspots in “if you can call it living“ color. 4. Dark Day in Amsterdam (a slight departure featuring Robin Crutchfield, Phil Kline, and Barry Friar of Dark Day during their no wave tour of The Netherlands; chewing Kathy Acker and Adele Bertei) in disappearing black and white. 5. General Accident (featuring Dark Day with Kathy Acker and Adele Bertei and a search for a missing girl) in mystery color. Soundtrack from Robin Crutchfield’s album The Hidden Folk available on iTunes and elsewhere.
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