PMDG 777 for Microsoft Flight Simulator: First Look

To celebrate the opening of FS Weekend in Lelystad, we are giving you this quick glance at some in-development video taken of our upcoming PMDG 777 for Microsoft Flight Simulator title*. The logical next addition to our highly popular line of products for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the 777 product line incorporates many new features and dramatically expands the depth of simulation offered in our Microsoft Flight Simulator produce series. When completed, the PMDG 777 for Microsoft Flight Simulator product line will include the 777-200ER, 777-200LR, 777F and 777-300ER airframes with accurate cockpit, engine and flight models for each. Many new game-play elements including an expansion of our maintenance tracking, aircraft management, flight tablet, and other new features pack this product line with years of flying satisfaction. Built by a team with a deep background in the aviation and airline industries, we have leveraged decades of real-world experience to bring you a 777 simulation tha
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