Genshin Impact soundtrack not composed by Yu Peng Chen

In the recent news Yu Peng Chen leaving Genshin Impact as the main composer, I thought I should create this playlist to showcase HoYoMix and make a list that wasn’t composed by him. Of course, not everything was listed, I simply chose the soundtracks that stood out for me. Each individual soundtracks are credited who are the composer. Have fun listening! ENKANOMIYA 00:00 The Shallow Melancholy - Xin Zhao (赵鑫) 01:44 Drops of Time - Yijun Jiang (姜以君) 03:29 Evanescent Moments - Yijun Jiang (姜以君) 05:32 Soft Moans of the Remains - Qian Ding (丁谦) 07:18 At Dawn and Dusk - Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌) 09:31 Tearless Souls of Byakuya - Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌) 11:46 Hope or Nostalgia - Yijun Jiang (姜以君) 13:52 Undersea Encounters (Combat) - Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌) THE CHASM 17:19 Secret is Held - Yijun Jiang (姜以君)
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