Why Japan Sinks matters.

#JapanSinks Japan Sinks is pretty important, so hopefully I go a bit into why that’s the case. Yes, I know I didn’t cover everything. Watch until the end to see why! Big ups to @TheCynicClinic: --- Join the Discord: Twitter: My crappy instagram account: Stray Notes: - I found it difficult to find the Japan Sinks manga. - Gillieshere mentioned a really interesting thing, which is that in the Japan Sinks trailer there’s a reference to a false alarm trip in 2016. Chapters: 00:00 Start 01:40 Shinjinrui 05:00 Japan Sinks (1973) 14:17 Zero-Nendai 16:00 Japan Sinks (2006) 22:18 Japan Sinks: 2020 24:05 Retrospect 20:00 Epilogue and Rant Text: - Azuma et al. “The Era of Disasters and the Words of Critical Thought.“ Genron 2011, https://
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