JavaScript ES2020 - The Most Requested Feature Explained in 10 Minutes

❗ IMPORTANT: Become a PRO at JavaScript: Use the special promo code “JSM_YT_SQUAD“ on checkout to save $50! Free JavaScript Cheat Sheet: Good news – the new ES2020 features are now finalized! This means we now have a complete idea of the changes happening in ES2020, the new and improved specification of JavaScript. In this video, we’re going to explore, in my opinion, the most important feature of ES2020 which is Optional Chaining. Optional chaining syntax allows you to access deeply nested object properties without worrying if the property exists or not. If it exists, great! If not, undefined will be returned. Super convenient! 📧 Join our JavaScript Mastery’s Newsletter on Web Development, JavaScript & React to get exclusive programm ... #LJavaScriptMastery #javascript #javascript_es2020 #javascript_es2020_features #javascript_es2019 #javascript_optional_chaining #optional_chaining_javascript #optional_chaining #javascript_es_2020 #es2020 20200423 OvNIIgysD-s
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