Russia’s Revenge? Sakhalin-1 Project Snatched from American Gas Giant - YouTube

President Vladimir Putin has gifted Russia something big on his 70th birthday. He has just snatched a huge oil and gas project from the United States of America. Putin signed a decree on the 7th of October that will make Russia take over the operations of the Exxon Mobil in the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project. Exxon Mobil is an American energy giant. Russia is now the biggest operator of the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas development project, located off the coast of Sakhalin Island in Russia’s far east. The takeover of Exxon is yet another of Vladimir Putin’s signature moves to grapple and choke western energy properties in Russia. Watch to know more #sakhalin #vladimir #putin #russia #america #russian #decree #exxon #Crimea #Crimeanbridge #oil Ukraine #russiaukrainewar #Sakhalin1 #russiaukraineconflict #russiaukraine #mobil #oil #gas #sakhalin #island #energy #rosneft #ongc #videsh #sodeco #sakhalinmorneftegaz #shell #mitsui & #co #mitsubishi #sokol #bpcl #nord #stream #europe #germany #russian #oil #refi
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