Plamenev - The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Cinematics from: Quake Champions Doom Warframe Destiny Beyond Good and Evil 2 Halo Wars 2 PlanetSide 2 Titanfall 2 Destiny 2 Prey 2 Halo 2: Anniversary Mass Effect 3 Halo 4 Gears of War 4 Halo 5: Guardians Gears 5 There will be time when world dies and then the darkness will come; The time will crunch itself and the whole space’ll be undone. The eternal spirit will learn what it means “not to be”; I know for sure now it’s time to flee! My life is starting to place too much pressure on me; I need the world where I could make the changes to see; My every action there would change the rules of the games, There’s just one hero with so many names! I don’t know how should I live without performance; I was born here, but I can choose my way. For being the one who deserves respect and honours, I just play … I just was doing all that I was able to do; I just was seeing the real world just like I wanted to; I was a nameless one; now I’m an idol in flesh; My gaming sentenced your world to be smashed. With lightnings
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